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STEP FIVE | Elevate Root Amplifier


STEP FIVE | Elevate Root Amplifier


STEP FIVE | Elevate Root Amplifier

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Elevate Root Amplifier is the 5th step in our trademark Bo Stegall | The Collection™ Cell Renewal Technology.

BEFORE using your Elevate Root Amplifier, ensure STEP 4 Hydrovital Mist has been applied to towel dried hair.

SHAKE can well before each use. Spray for 2-3 seconds into the sink, not hands, this activates the foam to lotion technology.

DISPENSE a dime to quarter size amount of STEP 5 Elevate Root Amplifier into your palm holding the can 5-6 inches away. Massage until hands are warm to activate the organic ingredients.

APPLY the product onto areas of the scalp you desire volume and lift. Work through the mid-strands and ends to create volume or texture throughout the hair.

CONTINUE with STEP 6 Silk Amino Peptide Therapy.