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E-Gift Card


E-Gift Card

Peach Patterned Photography Gift Certificate.png
Peach Patterned Photography Gift Certificate-2.png
Peach Patterned Photography Gift Certificate.png
Peach Patterned Photography Gift Certificate-2.png

E-Gift Card

from $50.00

Purchasing this digital gift card creates a unique code. The gift card recipient can enter this code at checkout to subtract the gift card value from their order total.

This gift card never expires.

Select a value from the drop-down menu, then click Purchase.


A physical gift card will not be issued.

E-Gift cards can only be redeemed at

Sales pricing and discount codes can’t be applied to purchasing a gift card. However, these discounts will apply to orders made using a gift card.

After the purchase is complete, the gift card will be delivered using the chosen method.

  • Email to Recipient - The recipient will receive an email with the gift card message and code.

  • Email to You - The purchaser will receive an email with the gift card details, which they can print.

 It's not possible for customers or merchants to add value to a gift card after it's sold.

If you want to send the email to the recipient at a later date should select the Email to You delivery option at checkout. You can then forward the email or .pdf at the desired time.

For Recipient : Gift cards apply to the order total, including tax and shipping. If the order total exceeds the gift card value, the remaining amount using credit/debit card or another gift card.

When using a gift card, the full value of the gift card is always applied. It isn’t possible to partially redeem a gift card unless the order total is less than the gift card balance.

Partially used gift cards can't be refunded. Refunding a purchase made with a gift card adds the refunded amount to the gift card's balance.

The recipient will receive an initial email with the gift card balance. After entering the gift card code at checkout, they'll see the remaining balance if there is any.